Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What is Art?

The Gangplank academy from September 17th was from Phoenix photographer, Tyson Crosbie. He presented the logical levels of art that built up to the conclusion: Art is god. The levels begin with Environment and the questions When? and Where? The next level is Behaviors and the question What? The third level is based on Capabilities and the question How? Next are Beliefs and Identity that ask Why? and Who? Beyond identity is Science/Art/Philosophy and the conclusion Art is god. Discussion ensued, and Tyson was able to put each idea and opinion into a certain level except the highest.

I don't remember all of the things that were discussed that week, but one spoke of saturation and reproduction. The example was a reproduced painting of fruit hanging on a hotel wall. Is it art? To many of the people in the room, it isn't. At least not that reproduction hanging in ever single room of that hotel. However, the original painting is probably considered art. That's just a generic example of one of the things brought up that day. Another was a picture of a bowl of spaghetti. Is the picture art? Is the spaghetti art? Based on these logical levels the simple answer could be either yes or no depending on who you are, what you believe, and what you do. If you're the chef who arranged that bowl of spaghetti, it could be a masterpiece. On the other hand, if you're the photographer just trying to pay the bills... it might be just a bowl of spaghetti.

Gangplank Days

Gangplank is the office where Byron works at Forty agency--a Web development company. It also houses at least two other companies and is open to any techie who wants to come and work. It's an amazing atmosphere with great people. There's more to Gangplank than simply an open office--especially on Wednesdays. 

In the afternoon, around lunchtime, there is "Gangplank Academy." Someone gives a presentation on a particular topic and begins a dialogue. It's various people on a wide range of topics. For example, on September 17th Phoenix photographer, Tyson Crosbie, gave the presentation: "What is Art?" To show how wide the range is, today's topic is "How to evaluate a product idea" from pragmatic idealist, Derek Neighbors.

Also on Wednesdays is what's called "Hacknight." It starts around 5:30/6, when people are finished with work, and goes until very late depending on the crowd. Hacknight is dedicated to hacker's (i.e. programmers, developers, designers, etc.) side projects or projects they may need collaboration on. There's always pizza and gaming and plenty of planning and conversations. There's even a podcast that happens every week! It's an exciting place to be.

Hacknight and Gangplank in general is the birthplace of so many amazing ideas and opportunities. Why be anywhere else?